Neobiotech Movie

Implant Q& A
Q. Is it painful to receive an implant treatment?
Implant operation is performed with local anesthesia. Some swelling and mild pain may remain after operation depending on individual cir- cumstances. You may not worry about pains if you take your medicine as prescribed by the dentist and keep regulatory precautions after the operation.
Q. How long it will take to fully complete an implant operation and treatment?
Although it depends on implant quantities and the complexity of treatment, simple implant surgery usually only takes 30 minutes. The period of osseointegration of maxillary surgery is 4~6 months and mandibular case is 2~3 months in general. However, the treatment period may vary greatly depending upon individual.
Q. Is it possible to receive an implant surgery even if my oral condition is bad?
To receive an implant surgery, it is recommended that the bone tissue is suf cient quantitatively as well as qualitatively. However, you could get proper treatment after appropriate diagnosis and consultation with a dentist.
Q. How is the gap of chewing force between denture and implant?
The chewing force is reduced up to 1/10 in case of dentures compared with natural teeth but an implant has similar chewing force of the original natural teeth.
Q. What is the lifespan of an implant?
It is clear that implant is meant to be a long-lasting replacement tooth compared with detrimental bridge treatment. Even though dental implants do not have an expiration date, some factors such as periodontal disease, loss of bone around implant, smoking and drinking can possibly shorten the lifespan of an implant.

네오바이오텍 임플란트 시스템
임플란트란 무엇인가?
네오바이오텍 임플란트 시스템은 미국 Michigan 대학교에서임상을 마쳤고 UCLA대학교, Colombia 대학교에서 임상을 진행중이고, 한국에서는 서울대학교, 경희대학교, 가톨릭의대등에서 임상을 마친 안전성과 우수성이 입증된 임플란트입니다.
임플란트란 무엇인가?
The best way to replace a tooth is to mimic it as closely as possible. Dental implants do just that.
Dental implant is an artificial root used to make a whole tooth (from the root to the top) like a natural tooth at the extraction socket. An artificial dental root (fixture) made of titanium is directly planted in the alveolar bone in place of the lost tooth and a crown is formed on the top to function as a natural tooth.

The external upper part of a tooth is covered with a crown for harmonized look with neighboring teeth
The crown and implant are connected by using an abutment and screw.
The artificial dental root is planted in the alveolar bone in order to function as a al- ternative replacement for natural root.
임플란트 치료가 어렵지 않은가요?

◼︎ Artificial Dental Root (Fixture) Placement (1st surgery)
The first treatment is performed for implantation at the most ideal position.
◼︎ Osseointegration and abutment connection
When bone healing and osseointegration with implant is developed after the initial implant operation, abutment post is connected with the implant in the second treatment
◼︎ Placing the final restoration
An artificial tooth is placed on the abutment post of the implant.
치료후 관리
Apply an ice pack on the cheek of implanted location for two days after surgery.
Avoid excessive exercise, overworking, sauna, and bath for three days after the surgery.
Do not brush the operated area for 2-3 days. Use mouth wash.
Avoid drinking and smoking for 2 weeks.
Chew food using non-operated part of mouth and avoid hot foods in the meantime.
In case of maxillary sinus surgery, do not blow your nose excessively and do not spit.
If bleeding is serious, place a cold-wet gauze in your mouth. If bleed- ing continues, visit the dentist for an adequate treatment.
Swelling may be present for 2-3 days after operation. Apply ice packs for two days and if swelling is more acute, hot pack may be helpful for relief of the symptom. If the pain in the swollen region seems unusual, visit the dentist for an adequate treatment.